Meet the Team
Meet the SHaRON Team in Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
With a wealth of clinical and project experience the SHaRON HQ team guides you through SHaRON service integration. From initial discussion to establishing the scope of your project, our essential step-by-step approach ensures your team have a thorough understanding of the capabilities SHaRON. From platform build, population of resources, staff training, go live support and beyond the SHaRON team is ready to support your service.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Fill in our contact us form and we will get back to you shortly.

Jade Haines is the SHaRON Programme Manager. She has worked in the team for several years and has expertise in complex project management and SHaRON technically. As part of her role, she manages the SHaRON team and overseas the development of SHaRON. She has also been part of the research and development team undertaking a 3-year project funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research with Lancaster University.

Georgia Oke is the SHaRON Administrator, she has worked in the SHaRON team for several years. She applies the knowledge she has gained to support multiple projects. As part of her busy role she provides expert technical support for all platforms.

Lindsey Redgate is a Project Manager for the SHaRON Project Management Team. Lindsey provides the team and SHaRON services with technical support and brings her marketing, design and project skills to support project delivery.

SHaRON has a dedicated team of experienced Software Developers who build, maintain and develop the SHaRON platform. Patient care is at the heart of every SHaRON project.

Priyanka Chawla is a Project Co-Ordinator for SHaRON. She is a graduate in Business Administration. She has extensive administrative and secretarial experience within the NHS and is responsible in supporting SHaRON in all areas of project delivery.